Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
Education at Little Flower School is designed to meet the needs of each individual student. It is our mission to develop a positive brain compatible environment. We will work together as a team with the family, school, and community to encourage and motivate all students to reach their fullest potential. It is our goal to use various teaching and learning strategies: Life skills, Lifelong guidelines, and Co-Operative learning. By working together as parents and educators, we can build a foundation or lifelong learning. We will accept the challenge to meet the needs of our school community socially, emotionally, academically, and physically. Our staff and students will become lifelong g learners and responsible citizens striving to reach new heights in order to make the world a better place to live.
We all want the best for your children, but we are not enough. You, the parents, must play a key role in the education of your children. Your words of encouragement, a hug when the day has been rough, your interest in your children’s work, and your presence at school are vital! Your involvement will show your children that you their education. I look forward to working with all of you and pushing you to all academic heights. Let’s work together! Educationally yours,
Sr. Sajitha V. A (Principal)